After church I stopped into a McDonald's to grab a drink before I headed home to watch some football. You can get a large drink for $1 at McDonald's. I had to walk inside because this McDonald's does not have a drive through. Since it was right after church I still had my collar on.
A person struck up a conversation with me and I posted a chunk of it as a facebook status and it went kind of crazy (crazy to me). I know almost 100 likes and almost 30 comments is not a lot when it comes to famous people but for a simple and brief conversation? I'm really grateful that it struck a chord with a diverse cross-section of people that are my friends (virtually all my facebook friends are friends in real life too).
So here is the simple exchange:
Another: "So you're a pastor?"
Me: "Yes I am."
Another: "So you believe in God?"
Me: "Yes I do."
Another: "Believing in God doesn't make any sense."
Me: "That is true."
Another: "Wait. You're not supposed to agree with that."
Me: "Why not?"
Another: "Because you're supposed to get defensive and try to prove God exists."
Me: "I didn't exactly sign up to be God's spin-doctor."
Another: "What?"
Me: "Any God that needed my defense is probably not a God worth very much."
Another: "So you believe in God but can't prove it and don't even want to try to prove it."
Me: "Yes...that's basically it. Not trying to prove it is sort of where my faith kicks in."
Another: "So what are you about?"
Me: "Well I do my best to embody the good stuff I see in the Jesus story. Things like unconditional, service-oriented, love; trying to understand others before coming to any conclusions; radical acceptance of those not considered worthy by most; working for justice; improving my ability to be gracious and merciful - stuff like that."
Another: "Cool."