Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blessed are the jerks?

From what I have been able to ascertain, the representatives who are so adamantly opposed to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are people who go to church regularly... Christian church.

Aren't Christians supposed to be for low-cost, even free health care? There is no evidence or even suggestion anywhere in the Bible or historical artifact that Jesus ever charged for healing people - or raising them from the dead. In the book "Zealot" by Dr. Reza Aslan one will find the assertion that Jesus was extraordinary NOT because he healed people, there were other healers in the day; NOT because he resurrected the dead, there were others who did that and other miracles, but Jesus was extraordinary BECAUSE Jesus healed people and raised the dead for FREE! And by healing, and doing other stuff, for free - Jesus was undermining the control of the religious establishment who charged for stuff like healing. 

Plus you have lots of passages that lift up the poor and admonish those who have plenty yet refuse to help...

As a Christian it makes sense that the most powerful and wealthy nation, that happens to proclaim itself as mostly Christian, the world has ever seen would finally start healing people for low cost, or Jesus did. 

The self-professed Christians in power in the House of Representatives who are against the ACA should find another religion. There are lots of good ones but you can't be a Christian and against taking care of people...period.